Tuesday 8 July 2008

ops~ 又再次熬夜追戏~ 很巧的,在网上碰到不开心的朋友,由于看到朋友写了一些显示他不开心的personal message,跟他聊了几句,ops... no response, then he changed his personal message to 不要跟死人讲话哦!Haha, although i have no idea what had happened to him, i hope he can solve his problem bravely and ... of course, sweet dream!

在这套戏里, 讲到一个 Post-traumatic Stress Disorder 的病人;一个人可以把蚂蚁看成蜈蚣,把影子看成灵魂~ 想法是自己累积起来的, A accumulation leads to result A ~ 要 cite o~ 虽然英文没有很好啦!

“或许很多人对心理学有误会,心里学跟性格分析学和道理学不同,心理学有很多种,生物心理学,in other words, biological psychology, social psychology, counselling psychology, abnormal psychology,... of i continue, i believe i will fall asleep later~ Psychology is a scientific subject, 就像 physics, biology ....”

Counselling psychology is the most common field in Malaysia since there isn't anyone willing to spend huge price for psychological research~

Best Wishes for all my friends~

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