其实我这个人眼泪不多~ 自己一个人几年了,什么事不顺利都随随便便就快乐无知地过了!
我朋友很少,但朋友们都不会介意我找他们聊聊~ 却每次在这个时候不知道怎么办~ 因为一个一直这么自大的自己,怎么开口跟人家说:“喂,我跟你说,我很厉害咯。。因为知道自己很久没有伤心了,所以很厉害弄到那种悲伤的感觉回来了!”
只能怪自己的命跟这个地方相克~什么事都不顺利。。。 倒霉到真的不能相信的倒霉~
我能够做的也只有说: 谢谢~ 谢谢~ *感动* 感谢你和你和你和你...
"你"上课时跑去买的KFC 和"你"半夜敲我门陪我到三更
hey dear, u r not lonely always cos i m always contact with u no matter where m i...so u r not lonely..n in fact u hv a lot of friend...dont u noe that im always at bangor is juz dat u duno...my soul is there ma..=D u met ghost? i duno hw to read..learning vy hard to read ur blog but i still failed =( tell me wat happen..ok.. hugs
what problem with you??
Aiwee: Haha... Thank You Thank You *Hug* My blog seldom bring out the direct meaning of what I wanna say~ My sis tried so hard to read my blog too even though she had spent more than 20 years learning chinese.. So it's normal find it hard to read my blog~ ^^
Reeve: Nothing la.. This year "fan tai shui" wahahahah~
not difficult..it juz dat u r secretive :) hug darling :P
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